Washing and bathing your baby

You got a baby!!! We congratulate you on your blessing and joy, on your happiness and courage to bring a beautiful little human being into the world and enrich your lives.
All that endless love that you give is returned selflessly and completely through the beauty and miracle of life hidden in that little being; that is a part of you, but also a unique and special person with its own needs and desires. The fairy tale has begun, but also the real everyday life.
Don’t be afraid and enjoy!
The baby has arrived to your home. The first days of joy and euphoria have passed, and the patronage nurse has completed a couple of her obligatory visits. You are left to your own devices. A little scared, confused, not sure if you will everything right in your daily baby care routine.
This is normal and natural! Just listen to your instincts, that are as old as the human species. No one can be more reliable and committed to caring for your child than you are.
And no one can bathe their baby better than mom and dad!

Q & A

What time is ideal for bathing?

Then when it suits you and your baby the most. Maybe you are more rested in the morning, and your baby is in a better mood for bath time, or you may prefer to calm your baby down at the end of the day before sleep time. The only recommendation is not to bathe your baby when it is hungry or immediately after the meal. Ideally, at least an hour and a half after feeding. Babies love routine, so when you choose a time period for bathing, try to stick to it.

What room temperature is best?

About 25 degrees. No overheating, but also it musnt be chilly.

Did we choose the right tub?

We are sure you did! If you bought a plain plastic tub, great! You will use it longer (even when the baby starts to sit on its own). You may find placing an anatomical baby lounger in the tub to be useful. It is not expensive and is very practical.
Whether you bought an ordinary or anatomical tub, the most important thing is to keep it clean, so wash it with a mild cleaner and rinse it well before use. Do the same after bathing.
It is better to raise the tub about one meter from the ground. This way you will not be bent while bathing, your back will hurt less and you will be more relaxed. For this purpose, there are special stands, but an ordinary table can also be just fine.

What utensils should be prepared next to you?

In the first place a baby soap or wash. It would be best for them to be of natural origin, mild and easy to rinse. Free of sulfates, surfactants, parabens, artificial fragrances. Healthy and safe.

– A pot for rinsing your baby’s skin. Clean and not to big – it must be practical.

– Cotton eye swabs, especially for newborns. Two pieces, separate for each eye.

– A cotton glove, if you think it will make it easier to bathe your baby.

– A large clean cotton towel for wiping. Those with a hood are a great choice, to protect the baby’s head. You can also use a small towel for the face.

– Baby cotton swabs, navel care products; if it has not fallen off (3% hydrogen, povidone iodine, gauze swabs or other product recommended by your pediatrician).

– Of course, prepare all the clothes and diapers that you will need after bathing.

Sing and calmly coo your baby, relaxed. The baby feels all your discomfort and reacts to it very quickly with anxiety and crying.
Pour water with a temperature of about 35-37 degrees celsius into the tub so that it is about 10 cm deep at most. Pour water a degree warmer into the rinsing pot. Hold the baby with both hands by placing the paml of one hand under the baby’s shoulders, neck and nape, and the other hand holding the lower part of the baby’s back and bum. First, gently dip the feet in the water, and then the rest of the body so that the baby is in a semi-sitting position, leaning on the anatomical holder or holding it with one hand in the shoulders and back area. Wash your baby’s face first. With a clean damp cotton swab, gently wash the baby’s eyes from the inner to the outer corner of the eye. Wash the face gently with clean water without soap; by hand or swab. Wash your baby’s hair with a gentle rub, with a small amount of shampoo, bath or baby soap. Wash the whole body with the rest of the foam. Pay attention to the baby’s neck, armpits and other folds. Wash the genitals and buttocks last.
With girls, wash the genital region gently but thoroughly, with forward movements, towards the buttocks. The layer of whitish color on the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina is the remains of the protective layer in the first days of life. Do not remove it by force.
For boys, wash the outside of the penis and the entire genital region, and gently remove the foreskin from the top until you feel the first resistance.
Now slowly turn the baby’s tummy by holding it by the chest and abdomen and wash the neck, back, buttocks and legs.
While the baby is in this position, start rinsing with the pot you have already prepared. Rinse the baby thoroughly and with plenty of water, especially the hair and creases on the body. It will be easier if one of you holds the baby and the other washes it, but even if you are alone, believe us, it will not be a problem.
When the bath is over, move the baby to a towel and wrap it and gently dry the water from the baby’s skin by tapping, not rubbing. Again, pay attention to the folds as well as the genital region. Continue with the skin care after bathing (we will write about it in the next post to make it easier for you), followed by dressing, preferably in accordance with the outside temperature, without overheating.
And lo and behold, you bathed your baby for the first time on your own!

How often should we bathe our baby?

Although the new recommendations of medical circles recommend bathing every two to three days, the experience of generations says that with high temperatures and older babies who are already crawling or have started to walk, bathing in clean water should be done daily, and with the use of soap or baby wash – every two to three days. Of course, soap is mandatory for the buttocks every time the baby poos. Baby soap or wash should be as mild as possible and made from 100% natural materials.

There, we have summarized something that we believe you know or have already read. However, support is always welcome.
Do not stress in the future! Take care of your baby with a lot of care and do not be afraid of possible injuries. Babies are much more resilient and tough than we think, and let bathing time be your time of love and connection!

D. Ilić, 18.08.2021.